Restored to Pristine Condition
We provide corn cob blasting services for failed finishes. We offer free inspections to determine the integrity of existing coatings to determine if a removal process is required, or if a re-coat can be performed. We use a two-step, cleaner and brightener wash that is ecofriendly that outperforms chlorine, and is designed for wood surfaces. These steps are very important, even if sanding or blasting is done prior. A pitfall in refinishing wood is insufficient or improper preparation. If mold spores are not killed (seen or unseen) and if pH levels are not neutralized, your finishes will not perform properly. In a typical stain removal restoration, we will go over the surface of your home between 7 to 9 times. If we do the restoration, skipping steps is not an option, as we know how important each one of those steps are to the durability of the finishes. The next re-coat in 4 to 5 years will be much simpler. But most importantly within our program, you will never have to remove our finishes because of peeling or heavy built ups.
Our wood finishes are designed to boast the natural beauty of wood by penetrating deep into the wood pores and cure within, instead of forming a film on the surface which causes built-up over the years where the wood grain character will be almost completely lost underneath the layers of heavily pigmented finishes. All our pigments are custom mixed on site, to allow for color blending where inconsistent weathering has occurred, and the coatings fade to the wood surface, allowing for simple re-coats and color blending.